Greetings to our incredible Permission community! As we kick off the exciting journey into 2024, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for your unwavering support.
The past year has been a whirlwind of innovation and progress at Team Permission as we wholeheartedly pursue our mission to empower users to earn from their data.
We've been heads down in BUIDL mode, refining and enhancing the my.permission platform, expanding our engineering team, and making our presence felt at events around the globe. And, of course, the highlight of the year has been the development and testing of our latest product: Permission Search.
Now, let’s take a moment to celebrate the standout achievements that made 2023 an exceptional year for Permission:
Seamless Migration to Polygon: Successfully completing ASK’s migration to the Polygon network was a significant milestone. This move enhances ASK's accessibility within the Ethereum ecosystem and brings exciting possibilities in the realm of decentralized finance (DeFi).
ASK makes top 10!: ASK proudly secured its spot as a top 10 most-held token on the Polygon network, a testament to its growing popularity and utility within the Web3 ecosystem. This is a considerable feat, considering the multitude of Polygon applications vying for user base expansion, and it highlights our unique position as a relevant consumer application in the market.
Empowering ASK Holders: Through our partnership with Snapshot, we introduced a governance poll feature that lets ASK holders propose and vote on decisions shaping the Permission protocol. Your voice matters!
Enhanced Data Ownership: We've revamped our Daily Earn features to give you even more control over your data. Now, you can make requests, correct details, and gain a deeper understanding of your data rights.
Uniswap Listing: ASK was listed on Uniswap, the world's largest decentralized exchange (DEX). With a WETH-ASK pairing, holders can provide liquidity and earn trading fees – a win-win for our vibrant community.
Rewarding Surveys: Introducing a new earning experience within the Permission Platform – Rewarded Surveys. Now, you can build your profile and earn by answering questions or engaging with content.
Beta Testing Permission Search: We successfully beta tested our latest product, Permission Search, paving the way for an innovative search experience aligned with our mission.
As we reflect on these achievements, ASK remains a top most-held asset on Polygon, a testament to the compelling value proposition of data ownership and earnings from permissioning data, not to mention the exceptional organic user acquisition strategies employed by our dedicated team.
Looking ahead, our journey continues with the unwavering support of our community. We invite you to stay connected, ask questions, and dive deeper into the exciting developments happening at Permission.
Thank you for being an integral part of the Permission story. Here's to a fantastic 2024 filled with growth, innovation, and continued success!